PLA MetalFil 750g Ancient Bronze ( PLA com particulas metal 80% bronze ) - FORMFUTURA


(55  / kg)


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A FormFutura foi fundada em 2012, em Amesterdão, Holanda., de produção de filamentos para impressão 3D de alta qualidade.
Tornou-se rapidamente numa marca inconfundível com clientes em todo o mundo.



Formfutura MetalFil Ancient Bronze is a composite PLA (polylactic acid) filament that is gravimetrically filled with approximately 80% bronze powder. The high bronze content in MetalFil Ancient Bronze makes 3D printed objects nearly indistinguishable from genuine bronze casted objects. MetalFil Ancient Bronze can be post-processed with various patina effects.


Unique features

  • Very high bronze-filling of 80%
    • Real bronze look, heavyweight, and “cold” bronze metal feel
    • Approximately 300% heavier than PLA (density of 3.5 g/cc)
  • Compatible with full metal, PEEK, and PFTE hotends
  • Compatible with direct drive and Bowden style extruders
  • Compatible with ≥ 0.4mm hardened nozzles with retraction settings enabled
  • Easy to post-process
    • MetalFil can be brushed, sanded, polished, waxed, coated and patina post-processed





  • Aesthetics, design, and art
  • Figurines and miniatures




General printing guidelines *

Nozzle size: ≥ 0.4mm Layer height: ≥ 0.2mm Experience level: Beginner
Print temp: ± 215 - 235° C* Fan speed: 50-100%  
Heat bed: ± 0 - 60° C Enclosure needed: No  

*) Above displayed settings are meant as guidance to find your optimal print settings. These ranges in settings should work for most printers, but please do feel free to experiment outside these ranges if you think it is suitable for your printer. There is a lot of different type of printers, hot-ends and printer offset that it is extremely difficult to give an overall one-size-fits-all setting.

*) If blobs/lumps form around the nozzle then your print temperature is too high.




Post processing MetalFil - Ancient Bronze

Brushing and/or sand grinding

Once printed MetalFil - Ancient Bronze objects can very easily be brushed with a brass brush or sanded with a fine-grid sandpaper. By brushing and/or sand grinding your printed object you will brush/shine up the high concentration of bronze powders.


Build-in white polish feature

After being brushed and/or sanded MetalFil - Ancient Bronze will reveal its white polish feature. A very thin white layer/haze on your object will now allow you to easily polish your 3D print into a beautiful bronze object.


Professional polishing with a rotary tumbler

Post-processing a MetalFil - Ancient Bronze 3D printed object with a rotary tumbler will make your FDM 3D printed object indistinguishable from genuine bronze casted objects.



Patina post-processing

You can create several patina effects on MetalFil - Ancient Bronze printed objects in just one day time. With an ammonia and soda treatment you can for instance easily create a beautiful ancient blue weathering effect on your bronze object.



Waxing and coating

After every above-mentioned post-processing measure, you can always wax or coat your printed object to get an incredible shine effect. Waxing can be done with products such as beeswax and for coating one can think about products such as XTC-3D.




Please be aware that MetalFil filaments contain a very high concentration of metal powders, which have an abrasive nature. In general, these metal powders will accelerate the nozzle-wear of brass nozzles, much faster than unfilled filaments. We recommend using nozzles from stainless steel or other hardened alloys.




Filament length

ρ: 3.5 g/cc 50 gr coil 0.75 Kg spool  1.5 Kg spool
Ø 1.75mm ± 5.9m ± 89m ± 178m
Ø 2.85mm ± 2.2m ± 34m ± 67m


Please be aware that MetalFil filaments contain a very high concentration of metal powders, which have an abrasive nature. In general, these metal powders will accelerate the nozzle-wear of brass nozzles, much faster than unfilled filaments. We recommend using nozzles from stainless steel or other hardened alloys.

Nozzle cleaning

When printing with filled/composite filaments it is recommended to clean your nozzle immediately after printing by feeding 15-20cm PLA filament through your nozzle. This will make sure that any potential fillers are flown out of your nozzle. It is even better to use glow in the dark PLA as the extremely hard phosphorous particles are much more likely to scrape out residual waste from your nozzle.




Product export information

HS Code: 39169090 Description: Monofilament Country of origin: the Netherlands




Compliance *

This filament is compliant with the below-listed directives and regulations.

  • RoHS directive 2011/65/EC
  • REACH directive 1907/2006/EC

*) This declaration of conformity to directives and regulations is prepared according to our present standard of knowledge and may be amended if new cognitions are available and applies only for the above-described products.






Para uma correcta manutenção da sua impressora 3D, recomendamos sempre que trocar de material de filamento 3D,  a efectuar uma purga com filamento especial de limpeza.
Desta forma garante que não ficam vestígios de material nas paredes do nozzle, evitando o acumular de crosta que é criado sempre que efectua trocas de material.
Com este produto evita problema como "clogs" e "jams" e fará com que o seu nozzle mantenha-se sempre limpo, durando muito mais tempo.
Poderá encontrar a partir de 1.49€  no seguinte LINK



3D lac comprar em Portugal

Para obter maior aderência à superfície da sua  impressora 3D recomendamos a aplicar 3DLAC  na base da plataforma.

Poderá encontrar no seguinte LINK


Este  material é altamente abrasivo. Recomendamos a utilização de Nozzles de aço endurecido.

Poderá encontrar  no seguinte LINK



Este material é altamente higroscópico, absorvendo rapidamente a humidade do ar passados poucos minutos após aberto, impossibilitando desta forma a correcta impressão 3D do mesmo. O resultado das impressões 3D de materiais com humidade tendem a ser frágeis e de acabamento irregular ou em certos casos, torna-se simplesmente impossíveis de imprimir.
Deverá de usar soluções de caixas fechadas com dessecante como sílica ou caixas próprias secadoras de filamento.
Poderá encontrar  no seguinte LINK



Technical and Safety Data Sheet


750g- Rolo
PLA  MetalFil Ancient Bronze
- Cor
1.75mm (+-0.05mm)
- Espessura / Tolerância de diâmetro
215º a 235º - Temp. recomendada do Hotend
0º a 60º
- Temp. recomendada da Heated bed
- Facilidade de Impressão

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Informação adicional

Peso 1.2 kg




750 g

Diâmetro do Filamento 3D

1.75 mm

PLA MetalFil 750g Ancient Bronze ( PLA com particulas metal 80% bronze ) - FORMFUTURA



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